Collection:Stopper Cylinders

Stopper cylinders are pneumatic cylinders specifically designed for cushioned or uncushioned stopping of movements in machines or workpiece carriers on transport systems. These cylinders are ess... Read more

Stopper Cylinders

Stopper Cylinders

Stopper cylinders are pneumatic cylinders specifically designed for cushioned or uncushioned stopping of movements in machines or workpiece carriers on transport systems. These cylinders are essential for ensuring precise and reliable halting of loads, making them ideal for various industrial applications.

On transport systems, stopper cylinders with cushioning can effectively stop loads of up to approximately 800 kg. This capability makes them suitable for heavy-duty applications where controlled stopping is crucial to prevent damage and ensure smooth operations. The cushioning feature helps absorb the impact, reducing wear and tear on both the stopper cylinder and the load.

Primarily designed to stop or block moving parts, stopper cylinders are commonly used to halt loads in assembly lines. Their ability to provide consistent and reliable stopping ensures that production processes remain efficient and safe. By preventing uncontrolled movements, these cylinders help maintain the integrity of the assembly line and reduce the risk of accidents.

When selecting stopper cylinders, consider factors such as the load capacity, the type of cushioning required, and compatibility with your existing transport systems. Ensuring that the stopper cylinders are designed to handle the specific loads and movements in your application is crucial for achieving optimal performance and longevity. Additionally, understanding the operational environment and installation requirements will help you choose the most suitable stopper cylinders for your needs.

Overall, stopper cylinders offer a practical solution for enhancing the safety and efficiency of industrial transport systems. Their ability to provide controlled and reliable stopping makes them a valuable addition to any assembly line or transport system, ensuring smooth and uninterrupted operations.